Podcast #40 - Donald's Dream Machine

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Donald’s Dream Machine

Donald was a genius. He could build anything. Some of his best inventions included a robot who could make pizza and a sofa that could turn into a car.

But Donald’s newest invention was truly groundbreaking. It was a real game changer. He had created a machine that could control your dreams. One day, Donald explained it to his wife, Mary.

“It’s easy, just type in the dream you want to have,and press enter. Then you put the helmet on when you go to bed, and Bob’s your uncle!”

Donald’s wife looked perplexed.

“Why do you need a dream machine Donald? I thought I was the woman of your dreams.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” replied Doanld. “This gizmo is going to make us loaded. Imagine how many people will buy it.”

Later that night, Mary woke up. Donald wasn’t in bed, so she went downstairs to look for him. She found Donald already using the dream machine. Mary checked the monitor to see what dream Donald had entered. On the screen it said:

“Tropical beach, surrounded by gorgeous women.”

Mary found the keyboard and typed a new sentence into Donald’s dream. She wrote:

‘The gorgeous women suddenly turn into petrifying man-eating spiders.’

Mary pressed enter, and Donald started screaming like a little girl.

Further examples:

  • Their new album is good, but it’s not groundbreaking.

  • Wow, this new foldable phone from Samsung is a real game-changer!

  • It’s easy to use, just turn on the switch, wait 30 seconds and Bob’s your uncle!

  • You look very perplexed, do you want me to explain it again?

  • What is that new gizmo you’ve got? It looks very futuristic!

  • You should ask Nicky for money, she’s absolutely loaded.

  • I could never go bungee-jumping, even the thought of it is petrifying!

  • The actor who plays James Bond is gorgeous!