Podcast #27 - Frank's Fabulous Ferrari

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Frank’s Fabulous Ferrari

Even as a young man, everyone knew Frank was going places. At school he always went the extra mile, studying on weekends and turning down party invitations. While the other boys smoked cigarettes behind the bike shed, Frank sunk his teeth into books.

“You need to loosen up Frank,” said his friends. “Forget about the books and let your hair down once in a while.”

But Frank’s friends could never understand his one and only life goal. To own a Ferrari before his 21st birthday.

On his 18th birthday, Frank interviewed at the town’s biggest bank. The bank manager was impressed.

“Well Frank, your school grades speak for themselves. You obviously mean business.”

Frank was offered a job the next day. He was over the moon. He worked harder than ever before, dreaming of his Ferrari.

 Two years later, Frank asked if he could take a few days off work. When the bank manager asked him why, Frank explained.

“Well sir, my whole life I’ve dreamt of owning my own fabulous Ferrari. Now, after two years of blood, sweat and tears, I can finally afford one. So I’d like to take a few days and visit the local car dealerships.”

“Oh Frank,” said the bank manager. “I’m afraid that’s just not possible. None of our employees are allowed to drive a Ferrari. It makes us look like flashy, money obsessed stereotypical bankers. No, no. Our customers need to trust us. You’ll have to buy an electric car, like everyone else.”

Further examples:

  • I always knew Frances was going places. She always goes the extra mile, whatever the job is.

  • I can’t wait to sink my teeth into this new Netflix series!

  • You really need to loosen up a little, don’t be so serious all the time.

  • I can’t wait to let my hair down this weekend, I’ve been working so hard.

  • I don’t need to convince you to hire me, I think my reputation speaks for itself, don’t you?

  • Wow, look at John. He certainly means business today, I’ve never seen him so smart and focused.

  • Well, it’s been a lot of blood, sweat and tears but I’m over the moon to announce that today I finally launched my new business!

  • Is that a new jacket? And what about those shoes?! You’re looking very flashy.