Podcast #38 - Karate Ken

The Mr Vocab Podcast is available on Amazon Android, Google Play and iTunes App Store.

Karate Ken

Karate Ken was a karate enthusiast from Southern California. He took up karate at the age of ten. Karate Ken’s best friend was Netflix Nick. Nick’s main passion was watching Netflix. One day, Nick asked Ken a question.

“Why do you waste your time practicing karate?” 

“Karate is a great form of exercise,” answered Ken. “You really work up a sweat in only a few minutes. It’s also beneficial for my mental health.”

“Well, Netflix is beneficial for my mental health as well,” replied Nick. “I watch comedies, which make me laugh and as a result, I feel good. I also work up a sweat when I walk downstairs to get a diet coke from the fridge.”

“But what if you get attacked in the street,” said Ken. “You won’t know how to defend yourself.”

Nick thought about it for a few moments.

“I’ll never get attacked in the street, because I never leave my house. I’m always watching Netflix.”

Further examples:

  • Oliver’s a real film enthusiast, you should invite him to the cinema this weekend.

  • I really want to take up a musical instrument but I can’t decide between the violin or piano.

  • You should try the rowing machine tomorrow, I promise you’ll work up a sweat in no time at all!

  • Studying a foreign language is very beneficial for your memory. It’s important to use your brain as you get older.