Podcast #18 - Bob's Business Idea

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Bob’s Business Idea

Bob had decided to set up a new business selling doughnuts. Everybody loved doughnuts in Bob’s small town so he thought the idea was a no-brainer. 

Bob’s best friend Terry was sceptical.

“Be careful Bob,” said Terry. “You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Why don’t you sell coffee and other snacks as well?”

Bob thought about it, but he decided to stand his ground. One month later Bob’s Doughnut shop opened. But it was not smooth sailing. After only six weeks, Bob was struggling to make enough money to keep his head above water.

One afternoon, Bob went for a walk to try and clear his head and think of a way to save his business. As he turned onto the main high street, Bob found a queue of over fifty people waiting outside a store.

“What’s going on?” asked Bob.

“Haven’t you heard?” replied one of the women in the queue. “Terry’s Doughnut Shop opened last month. It’s the best thing since sliced bread, most of us slept here last night just to have a chance of buying his doughnuts!”

Further examples:

  • I think I’m going to set up my own business next year.

  • Wow, 70% discount on all flights to New York this December? That’s a no-brainer!

  • I told my boss about my idea, but she’s sceptical. She doesn’t think it will work.

  • I know you’re determined to go to Harvard Business School, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Make sure you apply to at least five or six different schools.

  • Don’t listen to Jeff’s criticism, stand your ground! I think your idea is excellent.

  • Since I started my new job, things have been smooth sailing…. I hope it stays that way!

  • It’s been an awful year in the automotive industry. My sales are down 40% and I’m struggling to keep my head above water.

  • Have you seen the new iPhone? It’s the best thing since sliced bread!