Podcast #5 - Are You A Couch Potato?

The Mr Vocab Podcast is available on Amazon Android, Google Play and iTunes App Store.

If your idea of a weekend involves lazing around on the sofa, eating crisps and binge-watching TV, then you might qualify as a couch potato. The question is, do you need to turn into a gym rat or take up cross-fit?

Recent articles online suggest that we incorrectly believe our ancestors from thousands of years ago, spent their days whizzing around in search of food, or evading bloodthirsty predators in the jungle. The truth is, their lifestyle was actually quite sedentary.

In conclusion, you don’t need to bust a gut in the gym every day, but if you’re in danger of being classified as a couch potato you should try and incorporate a little more movement into your daily life.

Further examples:

  • I spent last weekend binge-watching Game Of Thrones, it was amazing!

  • Jessica is such a couch potato, she really needs to take some exercise.

  • Sarah is a gym rat, she trains every single day!

  • I think you need to be a bit bloodthirsty to join the army..

  • Your job is so sedentary, you spend 16 hours a day sitting in front of a computer.

  • I really busted a gut last week, trying to finish the presentation. My boss never showed me any appreciation.