Podcast #22 - The Most Powerful Dog In Hollywood (Part 1)

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The Most Powerful Dog in Hollywood

Larry was a dog. He was also the first dog in the world to become an agent. He represented some of the biggest actors in Hollywood.

Larry was successful because he was industrious, savvy and charming. He spent his mornings in different cafes, chewing the fat with the movers and shakers in the industry. He knew every dirty secret in town, but he was always discreet. 

The stars loved Larry, and he loved them. They thought he was the bee's knees. There was just one person who didn’t think Larry could walk on water, and that was Detective Jeb Dingus. Detective Dingus was a hard-nosed professional who suspected Larry of committing nefarious activities.

Detective Dingus had one mission, and one mission only. He was going to be the man who would show Hollywood, Larry’s true colours.

Further examples:

  • Maria has always been very industrious, it’s why she’s had such a successful career.

  • Roger is a very savvy businessman, and he’s absolutely charming too!

  • Come on, let’s grab a drink and chew the fat! I’m sure you’ve got a lot of things to tell me.

  • Bill’s always been a mover and shaker, he’s the most influential person in the room, everybody wants to talk to him.

  • You can trust Alice, she’s very discreet.

  • I love the local jazz club, it’s the bees knees! I go every night!

  • I don’t understand why everyone thinks Justin can walk on water. He’s so arrogant, why does nobody see this?!

  • Briana is a hard-nosed detective with no time for nonsense. She’s seen everything in her career.

  • That bar looks so seedy, I bet there’ s a lot of nefarious activities going on behind the scenes.

  • Hugo really showed his true colours last night. We all used to think he was quite reserved and humble, but now we know what kind of person he really is…