Podcast #23 - The Most Powerful Dog In Hollywood (Part 2)

The Most Powerful Dog in Hollywood (Part 2)

Detective Dingus had an inkling of what Larry was up to. He suspected that Larry was in somebody’s pocket, but he didn’t know who. At first, he thought it might be the Russian mob, but his colleagues said he was barking up the wrong tree. 

All of Detective Dingus’ colleagues thought it was much more likely that Larry’s nefarious activities involved taking payments under the table. But, if that was true, then Larry had managed to cover his tracks without any problems. The police department could not find any evidence.

The police continued to try everything possible to catch Larry. They placed undercover officers in every seedy bar in the city. They turned Larry’s office upside down in search of evidence.

Ultimately, they came up empty handed. Larry continued to be one of Hollywood’s most successful agents.

Further examples:

  • I have an inkling that Sharon is trying to take over this company..

  • Today’s politicians are in the pocket of criminals, I don’t trust any of them!

  • I’m afraid you’re barking up the wrong tree, I didn’t steal your chocolate bar.

  • The police are looking into his nefarious business dealings with the Mafia.

  • Are you taking money under the table? You need to be careful, someone will call the police. You should at least make sure you cover your tracks so there’s no evidence..

  • I don’t want to go to that bar, it looks so seedy!

  • Honestly, I’ve turned the house upside down and I still came up empty handed! I have no idea where my car keys are..